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History, Freaky Friday

Do You Remember Mona Lisa Smiling?

If your response is “No.” — you aren’t the only one

Toni Tails


Image of Mona Lisa from two different realities

As a whole, the scientific community declares that the Mandela Effect is nothing more than shared false memories. However, some quantum theorists suggest we may have slipped into a very similar parallel universe.

While some Mandela Effects are easy to dismiss, others are much more difficult to ignore. Well-known historical Mandela Effects are especially compelling.

The Lindbergh Baby



In 1932, a man kidnapped Charles Lindbergh’s baby. The infant’s body was found two months after the kidnapping. The child had been killed by a blow to the head not long after the kidnapper abducted him.³

Mandela Effect:

The authorities never found Charles Lindbergh’s baby. No one knew what happened to him. Some theories claimed that the baby lived but never knew his true identity.



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